Sunday Morning FAQ

We know it can be somewhat unnerving to step into a new environment, especially when there are a lot of unknowns. We have put together some answers to frequently asked questions about what to expect on Sunday morning. If you have any other questions, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

What time are the worship services?

Join us for worship at ONE SERVICE time at 10 AM!

We gather for worship every Sunday at 10:00 A.M. Our worship gatherings last for just little over an hour. You can also join us on Facebook Live at 10:00 A.M.

We offer coffee and donuts before service. You are more than welcome to take them into the sanctuary to enjoy them during the service.


What about my kids?


Water’s Edge is full of young families. Every week we offer CDTX (Children’s Discipleship Experience) for ages 3 y.o. through 5th grade. Families worship together for the first half of the service and then midway through the service the students are dismissed to go to their age-appropriate classes. For more information on our children’s programs please click here.

We also have a nursery for your little ones. Trained volunteers will engage with and love your little ones. The nursery is open for both services.


What are the worship gatherings like?

Sunday morning worship is essential to the life of a disciple of Jesus. Each week we gather as a community to rehearse what life looks like in God’s kingdom. Each week we engage in singing, praying, confessing, hearing God’s Word proclaimed and taught to us all as we interact with one another as family. All of these elements are centered around Jesus.

As far as style, the music is led with modern instruments like drums and guitars. We sing modern worship songs, old worship songs, traditional hymns, and original songs written by our worship leaders.

We use creative and modern elements to help connect God’s Word to our everyday lives. We also engage in historical practices like reciting The Lord’s Prayer, The Apostle’s Creed, and responsive scripture readings. Regardless of the practice or style, we make sure that everything we do points us to Jesus.

We know everyone that joins us for worship is in a different place on their faith journey, so we do our best to explain why we do what we do each week. If you ever have a question about what we do or why we do it never hesitate to ask our pastors. They love talking about that stuff. 

What do the pastors usually talk about?

Our pastors teach from the Bible every week. We have seasons where we walk through a book of the Bible, and we also have seasons where we look at specific topics that are found in the bible. Regardless of the season all the teaching and preaching is rooted in the bible and points to Jesus and what he has done for us.

What should I wear?

Wear whatever you feel comfortable wearing. Though there is no set dress code at Water’s Edge, most of our people dress on the casual side. But plenty of people still put in their Sunday best.

Is Water’s Edge part of a denomination?

Yes, Water’s Edge is part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.


When do you celebrate communion?


We celebrate communion on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month. Every time we celebrate communion our pastor explain what the scriptures teach is happening at this family meal and explain how we receive it in our context. If you have any questions about our communion practice, please feel free to contact us before you join us or grab a Pastor before worship begins. We use gluten-free bread and offer both wine and grape juice.


If you have a question about Sunday morning please fill the form out below and we will get back to you soon.