Easter Sunday Egg Hunt Volunteers Needed

We need your help to make this a success for our our families and the community!

There are several spots open with lots of opportunities to help make this a fun event for our kids and hopefully kids from the neighborhood!

Invite your friends and neighbors and sign up today to help!!

Please contact Angela Grassmuck 214-621-8222 with any questions.

Refreshment Team (6 open spots!)

This team will be in charge of planning, coordinating and serving Easter morning refreshments (cookies and lemonade) for the egg hunt between services. The team will set up tables outside for refreshments and set up refreshments (cookies and lemonade), someone should be greeting at the table as well.

Cleaning up and putting tables away afterwards is also this team's responsibility.

FYI: We will still have our regular coffee and donut team that day as well. Work with them to put leftover cookies on the donut table. Leader will encourage and thank all team members.

Egg Stuffing Team (6 open spots!)

This team will be responsible for stuffing 800-1,000 eggs and bringing them to church by Palm Sunday. The leader will contact and coordinate all team members (and help recruit team members where needed) and facilitate handing out all supplies and making sure the eggs are returned and ready by Palm Sunday.

Water's Edge will provide the eggs and candy (but if team members want to buy their own candy as an extra gift that would be a great gift too). The leader will encourage and thank all team members.

Egg Hunt Set Up and Easter Sunday Team (6 open spots!)

This team is responsible for setting up the cones and egg hunt area and running all the egg hunts, including knowing the schedule of age groups and placing eggs and having a few leaders and spokesmen barking out instructions and guidance on Easter morning to help run the egg hunts as smooth as possible.

The leader and team will be responsible for executing and leading the egg huts on Easter Sunday between the services, which includes having team members guarding the eggs once on the ground before the egg hunt starts. This team will have egg hunt bags available to hand out to students who need them (Waters Edge has these).

This team will help clean up the area when egg hunt is over. The leader will contact and coordinate all team members (and help recruit team members where needed) and encourage and thank all team members.